Friday, August 29, 2008

My Healing Adventure continued

Yesterday I had my first treatment, which took all morning. My daughters Eldri and Aletha both accompanied me and took notes. First we had an hour-long "Teaching" from a  physicians' assistant. Then, while sitting in a comfortable chair, with a warm blanket over me, I received intra-venous Avastin for almost two hours. During that time, we got further information from a social worker, a patient finance coordinator, the special Australian coordinator for this study, and my oncologist. There is no support group for people with my kind of cancer. That must mean it is not very common. 
So far I am not suffering from nausea, in spite of having taken six pills of Zeloda yesterday and three so far today. I hope it continues this way!
(I am alarmed by the multiple possible side-effects of both of these medications. However, I have been given  pills or ideas of how to counteract most of them. I am overwhelmed by an overload of information, both written and oral. I am impressed by the wide variety of free help for cancer patients available in this town.  I realize that cancer research, treatment, and auxiliary care are all well financed. This disease seems to have captured the imagination of people more than any other.)

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